Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Shadrach Memories from Nichole...

My favorite meeting was after Thursday night, in the girls devotion time. It was really late, yet I felt somehow that God was helping me inside. It wasn't something that I can put my finger on, but I just know that He was helping me. The services were all really good, but this year was a lot different from past times. There were parts of all the messages that helped me. Some of the points that stood out to me are:
1. Don't seek another experience, change from the ones you've already had. (Jacob-Pastor Schultze).
2. We can't live in the doorway of repentance. We've got to get into the real world with God. When we feel offended, it may be because we have the same problem in our own life (log vs. speck).
3. When we follow God's expectations for us is may cause people to be hurt and offended. Many of the expectations we hold over others are there only to satisfy ourselves. To get rid of wrong expectations we need to communicate with people and with God. (Pastor Don)
4. You can't deny your self, by yourself. (Pastor Nicky)
4. You can't out argue the devil, but you can out sing him. (Minstrel-Dr. Fisher)

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