Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More on the Ladies Lunch Some of Sheri’s thoughts...

“It is redeeming relationships that aid the change. (Speaking about new converts) It is not my hair being done or my home perfect, but including them in our ordinary daily life. We invite and instruct as we are going. God is responsible for the results and responses. Some converts will come, others will not. We have a powerful tool by including others into daily life. Meals, outings, family events, devotions, prayer, praise, and singing are all able to imprint the kingdom life into them as we imprint into our children’s lives.”
“God is the perfect parent, yet Adam and Eve left the garden. Some people do it the hard way- different than we expect, but they get there. Some people have deeper vast holes in the depths of their souls and it takes more love before they are healed. Some just get it and take off more easily.”
“I gave a challenge to give up our boxes we put God in. We have a perfect list of how it is all supposed to be or something is wrong. I have seen no cookie cutter methods- God works as unique as we are designed, though there are certain steps uniform to us all and to His Kingdom.”

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