Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Shadrach Memories from Nichole...

My favorite meeting was after Thursday night, in the girls devotion time. It was really late, yet I felt somehow that God was helping me inside. It wasn't something that I can put my finger on, but I just know that He was helping me. The services were all really good, but this year was a lot different from past times. There were parts of all the messages that helped me. Some of the points that stood out to me are:
1. Don't seek another experience, change from the ones you've already had. (Jacob-Pastor Schultze).
2. We can't live in the doorway of repentance. We've got to get into the real world with God. When we feel offended, it may be because we have the same problem in our own life (log vs. speck).
3. When we follow God's expectations for us is may cause people to be hurt and offended. Many of the expectations we hold over others are there only to satisfy ourselves. To get rid of wrong expectations we need to communicate with people and with God. (Pastor Don)
4. You can't deny your self, by yourself. (Pastor Nicky)
4. You can't out argue the devil, but you can out sing him. (Minstrel-Dr. Fisher)

More on the Ladies Lunch Some of Sheri’s thoughts...

“It is redeeming relationships that aid the change. (Speaking about new converts) It is not my hair being done or my home perfect, but including them in our ordinary daily life. We invite and instruct as we are going. God is responsible for the results and responses. Some converts will come, others will not. We have a powerful tool by including others into daily life. Meals, outings, family events, devotions, prayer, praise, and singing are all able to imprint the kingdom life into them as we imprint into our children’s lives.”
“God is the perfect parent, yet Adam and Eve left the garden. Some people do it the hard way- different than we expect, but they get there. Some people have deeper vast holes in the depths of their souls and it takes more love before they are healed. Some just get it and take off more easily.”
“I gave a challenge to give up our boxes we put God in. We have a perfect list of how it is all supposed to be or something is wrong. I have seen no cookie cutter methods- God works as unique as we are designed, though there are certain steps uniform to us all and to His Kingdom.”

Word for July

What a wonderful privilege it is to faithfully plod on through life, week after week, month after month and NOT FAINT. That’s right, they that wait upon the Lord will RENEW their strength, they shall walk and not faint. Our strength and vigor and vitality for the plodding on of life is renewed only as we wait upon God. Every day, we can take thirty seconds out here and there just to close our eyes and present ourselves before the throne room of the universe and to draw nigh unto God and enjoy His presence. What a privilege! It’s not that we HAVE to wait on God. It’s that we GET to wait on Him and commune with Him. Hallelujah!

We thank the Lord for His help last month through a prayer and fasting vigil, a youth retreat, pastoral absence, a jail service, various meetings of the saints, and of course all the divine appointments and missionary trips that we were sent on as individuals. When I look over my planner for last month and think of how smoothly things went, I can only conclude that the Lord heard our prayers and undertook to deliver us. After all, we were warned that the devil was prowling around seeking whom he could devour. Within days of that gracious warning from God, you supported a prayer and fasting vigil for the church and for Shadrach. Only eternity will tell what might of happened to our detriment last month, had it not been for those prayers. Who might have been in a serious wreck? Who might have allowed a bitter root of criticism to grow in their hearts? Who might have made a major decision in the flesh from which years of agonizing consequences might have flowed? Praise His Holy Name.

God helped at Shadrach. There was a special spirit of rest there, knowing that God was at work. It was not as intense as previous years, it was more restful. God also manifested His goodness in some of the fun times we had in the river, on a day trip and making movies. And, yet, God was changing lives. We were also privileged to see and rejoice in some of the fruit of these last ten years as several veteran Shadrachers were there, continuing to walk steadfastly with Him. Charles Morey was one example of this.

Looking ahead, we are trusting God to continue to help us during the month of July in the absence of various ones who are out of town, we miss every one who is not with us in the house of the Lord due to vacation, sickness, or whatever. The ministry of presence is powerful. Let us not forget it.

That said, our family will be heading to Scotland for three weeks from July 16th to attend my brother’s wedding. Please pray for us to be missionaries to all the people we come in contact with. We have been praying that the Lord would use this as a missionary trip and He already has. He has helped us to advance the gospel even in the booking of this trip with the people we have dealt with. We will also have the chance to be reunited with the saints in Dollar and be an encouragement to them. We will attend church and prayer meeting there. Please also pray for us to get into some public witnessing opportunities.

Also in July, we look forward to Dr. Narendra Singh of the Rhajistan Bible Institute of India visiting us. May we be mutually encouraged by one another's faith. May we help him in whatever way the Lord may lead for.

Let His Kingdom march on this month. Amen. - Pastor Nicky